2020 target (for the years 2013 to 2020)

By 2020, greenhouse gas emissions in Switzerland must have been reduced by 20 % below the level of the base year 1990. Under the CO2 Act, this target must have been met exclusively by measures implemented in Switzerland. Up to 2024, greenhouse gas emissions are to be reduced annually by a further 1.5 % compared to 1990.

The current CO2 Act required Switzerland to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 20 % below the 1990 level by 2020 (national target). This corresponds to an average reduction by 15.8 % over the entire period 2013–2020 to which Switzerland committed internationally under the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol (international target). For the national target according to the CO2 Act, the emission reduction must be achieved entirely through domestic measures. The international target under the Kyoto Protocol additionally allows emission reductions achieved through projects abroad. An agreement between the Climate Cent Foundation and the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC) regulates the acquisition of corresponding emission reduction certificates.

National and international targets allow the accountable carbon sink (CO2 storage by Swiss forests and Swiss harvested wood products) to be considered.

Information on the achievement of the target for the 2013–2020 period is available at:

Transitional regulation until the end of 2024

Because the electorate rejected the total revision of the CO2 Act for the period up to 2030 on 13 June 2021, Parliament agreed on a transitional regulation. This requires that greenhouse gas emissions are reduced annually by a further 1.5 % compared to 1990. At least 75 % of this reduction must be achieved through measures implemented domestically.

Further information

Last modification 11.04.2022

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